Unbelievable facts about christmas

There are many legends about the Christmas tree associated with the spirit or the place where dwelt the spirit as well - with the legends of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Hero of the most popular legend has become the leader of the German Reformation, Martin Luther. Once on Christmas Eve he was walking home through the woods. The evening was clear and star. When he came home, I put the Christmas tree for his family and a lot of candles stuck to its thick branches. The lights on it were like the stars in the sky.There is a story about why we decorate the Christmas tree tinsel shiny silver.Once upon a time lived a poor kind woman, who had many children. In the evening before Christmas, she dressed the tree, but she had very little jewelry. At night on the tree visited spiders and crawling from tree to tree, its branches left on the web. As a reward for kindness female infant Christ blessed the tree, and the web has become a shining silver.There is a version that first came up with Santa Claus Huns: they had a god Yerlu that the very first day of the year came to earth. This day was supposed to put trees in their homes, because of the Huns was considered sacred fir tree. So, therefore, that this tradition is 5000 years old. The Huns and brought it to Europe. Then they were crushed and left only in Bavaria, where he lived until the XVI century, with no one being mixed. It was a Bavarian Christmas tree "has come" to all European countries.
The first Christmas tree appeared dressed in modern-day France, in Alsace, as the historians, it was in 1605. Chronicle testifies: "At Christmas, here set in the homes of trees and their branches hung from colored paper roses, apples, biscuits, sugar cubes and tinsel." The large German Protestant community of Wurttemberg has adopted this innovation. Gradually, this tradition has spread throughout Germany, and then - and across Europe. However, the trees appeared first only in the homes of wealthy nobles and merchants. A variety of toys decorated in medieval Germany, not only trees, but pine trees, the branches of cherry trees and beeches. The first glass Christmas tree ball was blowing in Thuringia (Saxony) in the 16th century. Industrial production of Christmas decorations began only in the middle of last century - here in Saxony. Skilled craftsmen toys blown glass, cut out of cardboard bells, hearts, figures of birds and animals, balls, cones, nuts, which are then painted in bright colors.Commonly installed in homes of Christmas trees began relatively recently - in the 19th century. That's when evergreen lush beauties were regularly placed in the royal and imperial palaces of France, Germany, England, Norway, Denmark and Russia. Property of the same tree has become the common people only in the second half of the 19th century.In Russia the New Year has been celebrated by order of Peter the Great on January 1, 1700. Until then celebrate the beginning of the new year on September 1. The decree of Peter I said: "As the noble and a passing gate streets and houses to inflict some ornaments from the tree and the branches of pine, spruce and juniper, to repair the firing of guns and small guns, lobbing rockets and light the fires. And poor people each at least tree or branch collars put on. " This celebration of the Christmas tree (although under Peter the Great did not decorate a Christmas tree, decorated with a paw, twigs), ornaments, and carnivals are very fond of the Russian people.
In the 30s of the XIX century Christmas trees were placed on a holiday only in the houses of St. Petersburg Germans. Publicly, the capital of trees were placed only in 1852. By the end of the XIX century Christmas tree became the chief ornament and urban, and rural homes, and in the XX century, became inseparable from the winter holidays. But in 1916, Christmas trees on Russian soil were in favor. As during World War II abandoned the language of the nobility of Napoleon, both in the imperialist Holy Synod called for patriots to put in the homes of thorny trees, because they have come from German traditions.

In 1918, at the tree took up arms against the Soviet power - but as a bourgeois prejudice. At Christmas tales were no Santa Claus or mermaids Winter Maiden - Maiden stilled waters. Only one religion: crib, star of Bethlehem, the choir of angels and divine miracles, sent only to the good children. Nevertheless, many continued to celebrate Christmas in secret. Stern, the pagan tradition remained - caroling at Christmas time.

Christmas tree remained banned until 1935, when an idea: do not celebrate Christmas and New Year. Star of Bethlehem was a red five-pointed, and elegant Christmas trees by country by order of Stalin, along with Santa Claus met in 1935 after Christ. But January 1 was the only day off in 1949.

In general tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is very old, over 2000 years. Earlier, people believed that all the trees are endowed with good strength, that they live in good spirits. People tried to appease these spirits, hanging on the trees treats and gifts. The evergreen fir trees of all occupied a special place: it was the sacred center, "world tree", which symbolizes life itself, and the new revival of the darkness and gloom. Previously, instead of toys were hung on trees, fruits of various trees, such as:
Apples - symbol of fertility,
Nuts - the incomprehensibility of the divine Providence,
eggs - a symbol of evolving life, full of harmony and prosperity.

In England at the court of Henry VIII in 1516 was put up Christmas tree made ​​of gold, adorned with roses and pomegranates. And before that in England in the run-up to Christmas (this custom is preserved to this day) it was decided to decorate the house holly (thistles), ivy and mistletoe (honeysuckle).
In the central counties of England it was believed that if the first sprig of holly brought into the house, will be prickly - within a year to dominate in the house to be the owner, and if the leaves are smooth - the hostess. It was assumed that holly repels witches.
The custom of kissing under the mistletoe branch also born in England. Whenever a young couple kissing under a branch, a young man plucked a berry, berry when ended, ended, and kisses. Now, with bunches of mistletoe decoration is even on lamps and lyus___, and, as usual, you can kiss the person standing in the middle of the room by a bunch of mistletoe.

In the Scandinavian countries mistletoe is the protagonist of the New Year holiday. Its branches are usually covered with red and "silver" paint, hang them stylized images of two hearts and decorated with ribbons.

In France, Napoleon's brother Jerome Bonaparte I, being the King of Westphalia, the Christmas tree decked with bright gift letters, and his court-minions had to shoot them. The first Christmas tree was set in France in the garden of the Tuileries. So far, in France, in Provence, the Christmas tree tradition to hang a brightly colored egg shells.