Different Education Systems Are Available

Some children may find it difficult to function in a class with too many pupils. There are schools that specifically consider this. Detailed information can be obtained from the schools themselves, on websites or from the relevant Education Boards.
If a child is not doing well in a certain school, then it might be an idea to take the child out of the school and place the child elsewhere. Education of children is a serious matter, as they are the future leaders of nations.
Charter schools are public schools that have the mandate to operate independently as though they are an independent school. There is a period to this and it is usually for about three to five years. During this period, the school will enjoy freedom that other schools do not enjoy. The price for this freedom is that the school has to display good academic results throughout the year. If these results are not achieved and maintained, the board may not allow the charter to be renewed.

Some schools only attract certain types of students. These are referred to as magnet schools. These schools are generally reputable and seem to specialize in certain areas. The kids in these schools are amongst other kids that share the same interests. Some schools are entirely magnet. This means all the students participate in the magnet system. Other schools are referred to as PWS (programs within schools). This means only some of the kids in the school participate in the magnet program.

Many of the schools in districts that have them offer some sort of magnet system. Principals or teachers can refer parents to these programs on request. They are in a position to effectively evaluate the suitability of each child to the program.

Once such a school has been found, then the principle should be paid a visit. Questions should be asked and if possible observing a class that operates in this way should be done. If the parents like the system, then it may be necessary to place the child on a waiting list.

Ask the principle if contact can be made with parents who have kids in this system. If allowed then speak to the parents and find out why it is such a good idea. There may be the case that the parents have removed their child from the system, find out why this is the case.

Programs obtain funds from the public. This money is made available to parents in the form of vouchers. Parents can utilize these vouchers to enable their child to attend the school best suited their needs. Normally, ordinary public schools would receive these funds. In those states that do not support the voucher system, restrictions are placed on where and how parents can use them. Home schooling is readily acceptable in other states, as is religious, private or magnet schools. It is very important that careful consideration be given to the best available education for children, with all options being taken into account.


In the year 2000 literacy rate in pakistan was estimated at 47%( males 59% females 35%).National eucation policy envisages enhancing literacy rate to 55% by 2003 and 70% by 2010.Level of literacy in pakistan is the lowest in southeast Asia.Most of the people in our 47% literate population have aquired a very basic literacy level.Literacy rate in our female population is extremely low.Our total development expenditure on the education sector is 2.3% of the GNP.Illiteracy and ignorance are the paramount causes of our backwardness.    
 The problems our education sector is facing are being outlined as below:
1.Low literacy rate.
2.Quality of education.
3.Lack of uniformaty in the education system.
4.Increasing cost of higher education.
5.Lack of moral direction.
6.Threat of cultural and social disintegration.


1.Education for all.
2.Adult literacy.
3.Technical education.
4.Quality assurance.
5.Teachers training.
6.Revamping of science education.
7.Public-private partnership.

The problems of education are closely interlinked and interwoven with the peoblems of the culture in which an education system is operating.The problems cannot be solved with out bringing out a comprehensive cultural change.The experts have however,suggested certain steps which they believe can help a lot in improving our education system:
1.Education at primary level should be universal,compulsory and free.
2.The state should finance private institutions directly.
3.The education should have a moral and spiritual bases.
4.In terms of content,special emphasis should be placed on natural sciences,technology and buisness      managment.
5.The curricla of courses in sciences and technology should be redesinged to reflect the demands of the        
labour market.
6.Enphases should be shifted from purely theoretical knowledge to the practical.
7.Uniformity between the curricula and the methods of teaching should be ensured.It should be made obligatory upon all teachinngs institution to follow the national curriculum to a stipulated minimum level.

Stop Procrastination and Apply Time Management Strategies

Procrastination is the act of postponing doing a project or task until another time. Time management is the exercise of certain procedures in order to accomplish goals or complete tasks or projects on a timely basis.
How do you know if you are a procrastinator? If you continually use excuses to postpone things that need to be done, if you do not get projects done on time, if you are constantly running behind schedule, then you are probably a procrastinator.
How do you stop procrastination? You need to establish a time management plan for yourself. Set specific times to do specific job tasks and allow precise time to do each task. Do not let yourself make excuses to avoid sticking to your plan.
One way to make sure you can overcome procrastination is to make a habit of getting things done. It takes 21 days to form a habit. It has been said that if you practice doing a new activity for 21 days it will become a habit.
What worked for me is that I kept track of what I did each day from the time I woke up in the morning until I went to bed at night. I did this for a couple of days. I was surprised to find out how much time was wasted doing nothing.
Set priorities for yourself. The best way to get organized is to make a list of the tasks that need to be done from most important to least important. Set a time or time period to do each task so each task gets done. Start with the daily tasks that need to be done. Do these before doing activities that are more distracting, like answering e-mail, checking in on the social media sites, making telephone calls or listing to voice mails.
Once you get your daily activities prioritized, you can then begin to start setting into motion those same management skills you are developing and apply them to task that need to be done monthly, quarterly or yearly. Make sure that you plan some flexibility into your schedule should a sudden change in plans occur.
The next step is to step up and do the work. Do not let yourself procrastinate with the tasks at hand. Remember, we are doing time management so do not let procrastination steal valuable time from you.
Staying motivated to continue working at the pace you have set for yourself is not always easy. It is up to you to keep that motivation going. What I have found to help is to keep track of what I have already accomplished and I feel better by knowing I have achieved my goals.
Having effective time management will improve your personal life not only be relieving stress, but also will be leaving a pleasant and positive effect on your health. When you implement time management strategies,  it will have a positive impact on your business. When it comes to running your business, time management becomes all the critical and demanding.
Be realistic, you are never going to get more than 24 hours in a day, so managing your time better is what you need to do.
Time management strategies are useful for everyone in both their personal lives and in their businesses if they want to succeed. A nonchalant attitude will not get you the achievement you are striving for.

Gary Collins Arrest Warrant for Hit-and-Run |

Gary Collins -- a former host of the Miss America pageant was allegedly involved in yet another alcohol-related car accident. he was also the former host of ''Hour magazine''.