Procrastination is the act of postponing doing a project or task until another time. Time management is the exercise of certain procedures in order to accomplish goals or complete tasks or projects on a timely basis.
How do you know if you are a procrastinator? If you continually use excuses to postpone things that need to be done, if you do not get projects done on time, if you are constantly running behind schedule, then you are probably a procrastinator.
How do you stop procrastination? You need to establish a time management plan for yourself. Set specific times to do specific job tasks and allow precise time to do each task. Do not let yourself make excuses to avoid sticking to your plan.
One way to make sure you can overcome procrastination is to make a habit of getting things done. It takes 21 days to form a habit. It has been said that if you practice doing a new activity for 21 days it will become a habit.
What worked for me is that I kept track of what I did each day from the time I woke up in the morning until I went to bed at night. I did this for a couple of days. I was surprised to find out how much time was wasted doing nothing.
Set priorities for yourself. The best way to get organized is to make a list of the tasks that need to be done from most important to least important. Set a time or time period to do each task so each task gets done. Start with the daily tasks that need to be done. Do these before doing activities that are more distracting, like answering e-mail, checking in on the social media sites, making telephone calls or listing to voice mails.
Once you get your daily activities prioritized, you can then begin to start setting into motion those same management skills you are developing and apply them to task that need to be done monthly, quarterly or yearly. Make sure that you plan some flexibility into your schedule should a sudden change in plans occur.
The next step is to step up and do the work. Do not let yourself procrastinate with the tasks at hand. Remember, we are doing time management so do not let procrastination steal valuable time from you.
Staying motivated to continue working at the pace you have set for yourself is not always easy. It is up to you to keep that motivation going. What I have found to help is to keep track of what I have already accomplished and I feel better by knowing I have achieved my goals.
Having effective time management will improve your personal life not only be relieving stress, but also will be leaving a pleasant and positive effect on your health. When you implement time management strategies, it will have a positive impact on your business. When it comes to running your business, time management becomes all the critical and demanding.
Be realistic, you are never going to get more than 24 hours in a day, so managing your time better is what you need to do.
Time management strategies are useful for everyone in both their personal lives and in their businesses if they want to succeed. A nonchalant attitude will not get you the achievement you are striving for.
How do you know if you are a procrastinator? If you continually use excuses to postpone things that need to be done, if you do not get projects done on time, if you are constantly running behind schedule, then you are probably a procrastinator.
How do you stop procrastination? You need to establish a time management plan for yourself. Set specific times to do specific job tasks and allow precise time to do each task. Do not let yourself make excuses to avoid sticking to your plan.
One way to make sure you can overcome procrastination is to make a habit of getting things done. It takes 21 days to form a habit. It has been said that if you practice doing a new activity for 21 days it will become a habit.
What worked for me is that I kept track of what I did each day from the time I woke up in the morning until I went to bed at night. I did this for a couple of days. I was surprised to find out how much time was wasted doing nothing.
Set priorities for yourself. The best way to get organized is to make a list of the tasks that need to be done from most important to least important. Set a time or time period to do each task so each task gets done. Start with the daily tasks that need to be done. Do these before doing activities that are more distracting, like answering e-mail, checking in on the social media sites, making telephone calls or listing to voice mails.
Once you get your daily activities prioritized, you can then begin to start setting into motion those same management skills you are developing and apply them to task that need to be done monthly, quarterly or yearly. Make sure that you plan some flexibility into your schedule should a sudden change in plans occur.
The next step is to step up and do the work. Do not let yourself procrastinate with the tasks at hand. Remember, we are doing time management so do not let procrastination steal valuable time from you.
Staying motivated to continue working at the pace you have set for yourself is not always easy. It is up to you to keep that motivation going. What I have found to help is to keep track of what I have already accomplished and I feel better by knowing I have achieved my goals.
Having effective time management will improve your personal life not only be relieving stress, but also will be leaving a pleasant and positive effect on your health. When you implement time management strategies, it will have a positive impact on your business. When it comes to running your business, time management becomes all the critical and demanding.
Be realistic, you are never going to get more than 24 hours in a day, so managing your time better is what you need to do.
Time management strategies are useful for everyone in both their personal lives and in their businesses if they want to succeed. A nonchalant attitude will not get you the achievement you are striving for.