In the year 2000 literacy rate in pakistan was estimated at 47%( males 59% females 35%).National eucation policy envisages enhancing literacy rate to 55% by 2003 and 70% by 2010.Level of literacy in pakistan is the lowest in southeast Asia.Most of the people in our 47% literate population have aquired a very basic literacy level.Literacy rate in our female population is extremely low.Our total development expenditure on the education sector is 2.3% of the GNP.Illiteracy and ignorance are the paramount causes of our backwardness.
The problems our education sector is facing are being outlined as below:
1.Low literacy rate.
2.Quality of education.
3.Lack of uniformaty in the education system.
4.Increasing cost of higher education.
5.Lack of moral direction.
6.Threat of cultural and social disintegration.
1.Education for all.
2.Adult literacy.
3.Technical education.
4.Quality assurance.
5.Teachers training.
6.Revamping of science education.
7.Public-private partnership.
The problems of education are closely interlinked and interwoven with the peoblems of the culture in which an education system is operating.The problems cannot be solved with out bringing out a comprehensive cultural change.The experts have however,suggested certain steps which they believe can help a lot in improving our education system:
1.Education at primary level should be universal,compulsory and free.
2.The state should finance private institutions directly.
3.The education should have a moral and spiritual bases.
4.In terms of content,special emphasis should be placed on natural sciences,technology and buisness managment.
5.The curricla of courses in sciences and technology should be redesinged to reflect the demands of the
labour market.
6.Enphases should be shifted from purely theoretical knowledge to the practical.
7.Uniformity between the curricula and the methods of teaching should be ensured.It should be made obligatory upon all teachinngs institution to follow the national curriculum to a stipulated minimum level.
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